======Source "Result"====== **The source "Result "** are selected values from the simulation calculation of the current laboratory. ^Source.Property ^Description ^ Type ^ |Result.MaxPressure |Maximum pressure | number | |Result.MuzzlePressure |Gas pressure at the muzzle | number | |Result.MuzzleEnergy |Projectile energy at the muzzle | number | |Result.MuzzleVelocity |Projectile velocity at the muzzle | number | |Result.MuzzleTime |Projectile lead time | number | |Result.MuzzleTime10 |Geschosslaufzeit ab 10% pmax | number | |Result.LoadRatio |Load ratio | number | |Result.BurnRatio |Burnt propellant | number | |Result.BurnOutTime |Burn-out time | number | |Result.BurnOutPos |Burn-out position | number | |Result.Efficiency |Effective efficiency rate | number | |Result.IPSCFactor |IPSC-Factor (IPSC & BDS) | number | |Result.MIPFactor |MIP-Factor (DSB minimum impulse) | number | |Result.ImpulseProjectile |Projectile impulse | number | |Result.ImpulsePropellant |Propellant impulse | number | |Result.Impulse |Overall impulse | number | |Result.OutflowVelocity |Gas outflow velocity | number | |Result.RecoilForce |Recoil force | number | |Result.RecoilVelocity |Recoil velocity | number | |Result.RecoilEnergy |Recoil energy | number | ^Graphics^^^ |Result.diagramm.png |complete result diagram | image | |Result.diagramCurves.png |only curve diagram | image | |Result.diagramPropellant.png |only propellant diagramm | image | ^Notes from result field appendix^^^ |Result.Notes |insert all notes | text | |Result.Note(//"mynote"//) |insert note only with titel **//"mynote"//** | text | ^Pictures from the gallery of the result field appendix^^^ |Result.picture.//imagename// |insert picture from the gallery of result the field appendix.\\ "imagename" is the file name of the picture in the gallery. | image |