How to modify a cartridge spec to create a WildCat?
I'm making a wildcat 9mm AR round. I've trimmed a .223 case to eliminate the shoulder and intend to load it with 9mm projectiles. How to create a wildcat cartridge in GRT?
Some thoughts: The 223 case is smaller than a 9×19 mm case, the wall thickness is in our opinion too thin at the mouth: .355“ + 2 x .012” = .379“. Most 223 / 5.56 case base dia. = .373”. So neck thickness can only be .008“ giving a little expansion to release the bullet. .008” neck thickness will not hold the bullet securely, and the bullets get set back during chambering. It could work if you can find some SAAMI maximum casings, maybe Starline basic brass, or you expand the whole case to the base with a mandrel. That would make it a 350 Legend case clone.
But.. anyway, here is how to create the wildcat you want in GRT:
First of all, whenever you want to know the meaning of any symbol used in the drawings, please take a look onto this page and scroll all the way down to the explanation of the symbols used in the cartridge designer and drawings.
The steps:
- done
Note: The created cartridge here does not make much sense. This is just an example of how to do that.