====== Downloads ====== Please note: This is the last stable version released by Gordon in 2021. The application will not be further developed! =====GRT 2021.2030.NIGHTLY (public)===== ===IMPORTANT INFORMATIONS AND NOTES === * NEVER mix program files from different versions (program files, databases, etc.)! * The configuration //"GordonsReloadingTool.cfg"// and load files //"*.grtload"// can be kept (downward compatible). * When creating your own loads **ALWAYS** measure and enter **fired** case volume and the bullet length! * READ all hint windows, don't just click away! ;-) * GRT is not QL, QL has a different interior ballistic model! The results can be similar, but may differ significantly. **Real values and no software comparisons are decisive.** * QL load files can be imported, but the **powder data from QL is INCOMPATIBLE** being for the reasons mentioned above! * Always create new/update with components from the GRT database, otherwise you get WRONG results! ===INSTALLATION=== * Download the GRT archive * EXTRACT the downloaded archive into your user folder, onto a usb stick or something else you want and where you allowed to run applications from (on windows NOT on the desktop!) * read the manual/documentation and installation instructions, located in the folder /doku/pdf/ * done, start GRT For the changes see CHANGELOG.TXT inside the GRT folder ===How to update to a newer GRT version?=== * **From the [[en:faq:faq|FAQ]]:** [[en:faq:faq-grt-update|How to update to a newer GRT version?]] ===How accurate is the simulation?=== * **From the [[en:faq:faq|FAQ]]:** [[en:faq:faq-simaccuracy|How accurate is the simulation?]] =====KNOWN BUGS===== * (currently none) =====DOWNLOAD===== **IMPORTANT:** Make sure that you download the archive completely, otherwise you will get an error if you try to extract. ==WINDOWS== * {{https://grtools.de/release/4df77c0a/GordonsReloadingTool-2021.2030-NIGHTLY.zip}} Size: 230 MB ==LINUX== **Recommended:** Linux Mint 20.x 64 Bit, please read LINUX-INSTALL.TXT * {{https://grtools.de/release/4df77c0a/GordonsReloadingTool-2021.2040-NIGHTLY-linux.tar.gz}} Size: 223 MB