Welcome to the GRT Community site
GRT has 71,210 active users (78,018 total)
You can download GRT here (no registration needed).
Gordon(†) December 28, 1975 - January 19, 2022
“And there are always traces of your life, thoughts, images and moments.
They will remind us of you, make us happy and sad and never let us forget you.”
This website has been frozen in his memory.
Please contact the GRT community for further help and assistance.
A modern professional internal ballistic simulation for reloaders.
- GRT is free software
- Chat with us on our Discord-Server: https://discord.gg/3FEYWG4
- Gordons Reloading Channel on Youtube: https://youtube.com/gordonsreloading
Language Dedicated User Groups
If you have a user group or forum dedicated to a specific language, then you can let us know and we will add the link to the list below.
- French: French Reloading Team (Facebook)
- German: https://www.wiederladeforum.de
- Russian: https://forum.guns.ru
Community Friends
- Lehrgänge WaffG/SprengG (Germany: Courses for gun and explosives required by law): https://www.ausbildung-bds.de/termine.html
GRT simulates the behaviour of a modern nitrocellulose based powder and projectile inside a barrel.
From reloaders for reloaders. It's free!
A lot of stunning features for your daily use as a reloader. Yes! The software is free of charge. All you have to do is create a login and download.
Extensive databases help to find the right powder, bullet or caliber specification to build your charge on.
Measurments, Pictures, Notes
You can add additional information to your load file, like measurements.
GRT can import data from various chono's like MagnetoSpeed, Caldwell, ProChrono, Labradar, PressureTrace II. With Labradar GRT features the tracking analysis diagram which can be displayed too.
Pressure Measurement Overlay
GRT lets you overlay a real world pressure measurement onto the simulation diagram!
GRT currently supports the import and overlay of measurements from the PressureTrace II system from RSI.
Shot Group Analysis
GRT can analyse and calculate your shot groups!
Cartridge Designer
GRT lets you create a WildCat or a new Cartridge!
Multilanguage Support
GRT is currently available in Afrikaans, Czech, English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian and Ukrainian.
Other languages will follow. If you want to help, join our discord server!